What Do Property Managers Do & How Much Do Property Managers Make?

Are you looking for a way to make extra money, but don’t have time to be a landlord? A property management OKC is a perfect solution. Property managers help with everything from finding tenants to making repairs and keeping up with maintenance requests. 

An expert in this field can help you manage your rental property, ultimately helping you focus on what matters most: growing your business! Read on to know more in detail about property managers and how much they make.

What is a Property Manager?

Property managers are responsible for finding tenants, collecting rent, managing maintenance issues, and resolving disputes. They also make sure the property is being maintained in a manner that is consistent with its condition at the time of lease renewal. In addition, property managers may be involved in marketing strategies to help increase occupancy rates and generate new business opportunities.

What do Property Managers do?

A property management OKC is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of rental units, as well as any issues that arise. They also ensure that all maintenance needs are met, and manage tenant relations and legal issues.

Property managers also oversee the maintenance, repair, and renovation of rental units. This includes making sure that repairs are made promptly and thoroughly, as well as overseeing new construction projects. Property managers are also responsible to find new tenants, negotiating lease agreements, and screening applications.

How Much Does a Property Manager Make in Oklahoma?

Wondering how much a property manager makes in Oklahoma? The average salary for property managers is $39,890, which is about what you would expect to find in any state across the U.S., including Oklahoma City itself.

However, there are plenty of opportunities for growth within this field and if you have enough experience under your belt (and some luck), it’s possible that your income could exceed $50k annually!

Do you need a property manager? What You Should Know 

Oklahoma property management can take the burden of managing your rental off your shoulders. They’re experts in the field and know how to find tenants, collect rent and handle any tenant issues you might face. They also help with marketing your property for new tenants, repairs, and maintenance costs as well as budgeting for those expenses.

Property managers can help you earn more money by finding higher-paying tenants and getting them to sign longer leases. They also offer a range of services that can lower your overall costs, such as accounting, maintenance, marketing, and legal advice. Be sure to do your research before hiring a property manager so you know what they’ll cost you upfront.


In conclusion, a property manager is someone who can take the burden of managing your rental off your shoulders. Property managers look after all the details such as maintenance, scheduling inspections, and repairs, negotiating contracts with tenants, and collecting rent payments. In Oklahoma property management, the experts can also handle any legal issues that may arise from their tenants living in these homes.

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RE/MAX Energy Property Management

Address: 335 S Mustang Rd Suite G, Yukon, OK 73099
Phone: 405-350-3031